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Click the matching diagram:


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)sth      f   t     

‮(   ) e‬        

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‮} es‬          
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‮  A ‬    
‮}   B    lihw‬    
‮  C ‬        
‮( D ) f‬         
‮  E ‬            
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‮  F ‬            
‮; G ‬        
  • if <cond> ... else ...  ==>  condition
  • while <cond> ...  ==>  loop

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Powered by cfgCaptcha; based on 149,120 player solutions to Graphomata.
Playable diagrams: 5,302 (non-isomorphic)
Diagrams contributed by 1, 1, 1, and 26 players in solutions to 1, 1, 1, and 3 levels, respectively (left to right).